Monday, November 13, 2006

Paper random pics

I should have been taking pictures all last week but instead I was out getting drunk and being a fluzzy while hitting on potentially gay guys...wait! who am I kidding I knew they were gay but they were soooo pretty.
Paper was great they infiltrated this city and brought out the funnest and most fashionably chaotic people and I mean that in a good way. These are pics that I could salvage the one hour I should have been lying in the gutter but hadn't fallen yet.
Great clothing, free booze and cute girls. The girls in white are from showpony, cute store fun gals.

Hit & Run why is it so fun?

Hit & Run live silk screening on site at Guitar Center on Sunset.
These guys are awesome each event there are unique prints which you choose and lay out on a shirt of your choice, most times free.
Pictured is Brandy Flower.

Presets & THE RAPTURE @ Pomona's Glasshouse

I haven't been to the glasshouse in a few years, I remember seeing The Faint there last. The performance was memorable but it couldn't compete with my memories of sneaking out at 14-16 years old to get into horrible raves just in order to hang out with people that were too old to be there in the first place. At this point I am convinced they were all pedophiles.

The Presets opened for The Rapture who last summer and the summer before that had everyone dancing to Sister Saviour, House of Jealous Lovers you get my drift. Usually as most last minute scragglers and traffic afficionados, I too arrive late but, since I didn't do any of the driving I arrived on time to be surprised by this two piece of reverb and howls. The drumming was great, the beats were fantastic and their nu wave ghetto tech tie die was interesting enough. But much like the test of the emergency broadcast system became earpiercingly repetitious and annoying. Much like looking at the vertical primary colors on my screen I was ready to move on.

With the rapture it's almost like you know what is to be expected, they have been touring for a few years now and they are a solid band. After listening to 2 14 year olds discuss what they prefer on album a as opposed to album b I ran to the nearest bar. Only wait--there is no bar. Surprisingly this venue allows you to leave and buy liquor and pound it outside. So I did just that only I had to take tips from teenager, oh god! I had become that old person that hustles children.

I came back inside to listen to every hit of their first album and also their newer album which has not been regarded as highly by critics, and although dancy and great does not hold a candle to prior work. Great band to dance to great dance to watch but if you miss them buy their remix album.

Monday, October 30, 2006


My friend Brandy recommended the greatest site to me yesterday, I shared it with others and they truly enjoyed it.
I would use it in times of stress to put you in a better mood.
It's clever, it's cute and it gives the everyman access to art.
Try it & love it

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I share an "open" office with 9 people and sometimes a few interns. Our floor is shared with approximately 4-5 small businesses, with one - two stall restroom that we are forced to share. I have not been thrust into such an inhumane situation since I was in high school, when you are still too self conscience to use the public restroom; you know back when you would plug your nose and make faces at the slight scent of defecation.
Throughout the day I find myself counting the minutes each person is gone, if its more than 3 minutes I know to wait another 15. Lately I have had impecable timing, going in when no one else is around, partially due to timing my meals around everyone else's meals as well as stalking co-workers to the point of scrutinizing their meal plans. So I am in the clear right?
Digressing, I have been thinking that there was a ghost, a poop ghost if you will every time I have heard the faint "pheeess" sound. Yes the missing poop ghost of the girl that died in the building. No WRONG lately the building management decided to install an air freshener right above MY favorite stall...the one I like because it flushes on a consistent basis. The other less competent toilet needs to be held by the hand for 5 seconds for it to do its job. I like the competence of MY toilet, I have contemplated naming it, writing my name on the wall. I also contemplate writing mean things about the sluts down the hall that constantly look like their vaginas are drooping out of their Frankie B jeans, I bet they snort pink cocaine because the drip tastes like strawberries. So, I sit in my car and my friend says, "You smell like old lady scent." You know the same old lady that reads romance novels, the same old lady that puts on too much fuschia lipstick like it was still in style. I think nothing of it for weeks, but start noticing the slight scent on my clothing. I start sitting on the toilet relaxing, I find myself sitting on the toilet for minutes at a time, even when I don't need to poo. I start relaxing in here, its an anal cigarette if you will. But I find the fucking air freshener squirting its putrid perfume jizz all over my hair, my clothes my skin. I smell like old lady, I smell like cat lady death.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Brunchies in Silver Lake

Last night, music more music and a little bit of pot to keep us happy and giggling. Listening to music my friend jenny made all on her own.
Today a horrible hangover followed by a walk to Madame Matisse, the service is subpar but the food is actually incredible.
Once you get over the initial 5 blocks of walking in the hot sun, the beer seeping out of your pores from the evening before and the smeared make up running half way down your face you decide it's actually not a bad idea to pase yourself when drinking.
I took a couple of pictures of interest and we walked back. Now time for a nap.