I haven't been to the glasshouse in a few years, I remember seeing The Faint there last. The performance was memorable but it couldn't compete with my memories of sneaking out at 14-16 years old to get into horrible raves just in order to hang out with people that were too old to be there in the first place. At this point I am convinced they were all pedophiles.
The Presets opened for The Rapture who last summer and the summer before that had everyone dancing to Sister Saviour, House of Jealous Lovers you get my drift. Usually as most last minute scragglers and traffic afficionados, I too arrive late but, since I didn't do any of the driving I arrived on time to be surprised by this two piece of reverb and howls. The drumming was great, the beats were fantastic and their nu wave ghetto tech tie die was interesting enough. But much like the test of the emergency broadcast system became earpiercingly repetitious and annoying. Much like looking at the vertical primary colors on my screen I was ready to move on.
With the rapture it's almost like you know what is to be expected, they have been touring for a few years now and they are a solid band. After listening to 2 14 year olds discuss what they prefer on album a as opposed to album b I ran to the nearest bar. Only wait--there is no bar. Surprisingly this venue allows you to leave and buy liquor and pound it outside. So I did just that only I had to take tips from teenager, oh god! I had become that old person that hustles children.
I came back inside to listen to every hit of their first album and also their newer album which has not been regarded as highly by critics, and although dancy and great does not hold a candle to prior work. Great band to dance to great dance to watch but if you miss them buy their remix album.