As many of my ten readers may know, I've been on the job market since 2009; some of the time freelancing for a few days, these days back on track on the application train.
I often drink and cry, or drink and laugh while sharing my stories with my friends. They laugh, lend a sympathetic ear and overall tell me to write these stories down so I can reflect back on what I've learn. What I've been learning is that editing is my friend, getting there 35 minutes early in Los Angeles is pretty much like getting there on time, and no matter how good you think an interview goes, you're left feeling high and dry, waiting for the guy to call you, like a cheap one night stand.
Today, I interviewed with an ad buy agency, as a junior ad buyer. Lately, I've been feeling like my experience is broad but could go deeper, but let's muse later. The gal that interviewed me was smart, young, direct, and polite. We clicked over where I lived, how she's lived there in the past, and like any good alumni, told me which college she attended. I felt my skill set was a good fit, and as we spoke I saw the single engine Cessna that I call my career struggle.
My question is this, How do you sound interested without coming off as an airhead? And how do you answer questions directly and earnestly without sounding like a tight ass?
Please send interview nightmares my way, any tips, or any overall gripes.