in a runt. NOT COOL. But other events have been occuring that have made
me look out for great possibilitiezzzz.
I want to shoot someone, my ipod is either lost or stolen.
KARMA, remember.
This past weekend, went to Ashley Paige with the Miami Fashion Week Collection.
Amazing stuff, there's this sweater/hoodie that I'm dying over. Photos
will be up soon.
AND. last night I was able to see 3 great gals with major cameltoe.
do they not feel it sucked up in there?!!?! Its amazing, ha.
Fotos that have been inspiring moi.

Some great shows that are coming upppp.
Lets Go Sailing- June 7th, Troubadour
Ima Robot- June 8th, House of Blues
CSS- June 10th, Fonda
Hot Chip- June 13th, Fonda
hmmmm. go to Satine, Cheap Mondays for 32 bucksoso. and several other items half off!
Thanks D. Varenhorst, thanks.
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