It's a pretty fair and safe assumption to say that we've been touched by drugs in one way or another, whether you personally enjoy them or know someone who has been the victim of addiction, the way the government treats drug usage in America seems to be outdated or detached.
The DARE programs from the 90's didn't seem to work well, other than guilt it didn't really make kids any stronger in abstaining. I get that early exposure to drugs is bad, and children need to have a safe environment. I also understand that drug trafficking kills hundreds of people monthly, on an international level, but what I am opposed to is the millions of dollars wasted on drug wars that seem to be going no where.
The way in which we incarcerate people for drug use is not just inhumane, but also very costly. I would prefer it if my tax dollars didn't go towards incarcerating drug users, with solely drug crimes.
examines the prison complex, the drug wars, and the money that pays for it.
Check out the trailer.