I was talking to a friend the other day and we were discussing our instinctive infatuation with Target's GO line, however, as the line had more and more of a following trends started to look very much the same. For instance, we look at GO line as an affordable way of being stylish and an inexpensive way to buy those items or lines that either we could not afford or we shouldn't be spending our money on anyway. The last few pirate/poet inspired blouses have looked like variations of themselves regardless of who designs them. Aside from that, the fabric looks cheap, the threading looks like you could use it as cheese cloth and so on.
The biggest surprise came when I saw the new Jovovich Hawk/ GO line collaboration. It's very young, it's very hip and yes, it's very LA but not as douchey as you may think. It's a spring fashion line and it's inexpensive enough, yet fashion forward enough for me to advocate for.
My personal favorites are the high waisted denim for under 40 bucks, and the short sleeve scoop neck. Nothing says, "Come and get it boys", like a deep cut blouse just in time for the spring.
Check out the link,
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