Monday, June 09, 2008

people need better hobbies

I love cheaters for the same reasons I love Cristina and all those really bad mexi reality talk shows; they exploit people that are ignorant, they act like they are ambasators to the broken hearted, and the trainwrecks that occur are totally water cooler worthy for days.

I like cheaters because people are incredibly willingly ignorant, they know their relationships are doomed but still need to air their dirty laundry to thousands of people with the help of a video camera.

This guy however, bums me the fuck out. I think he should really let people take care of their business and find something genuinely good to do. I hate the title that he gives himself, "vigilante", he's a videographer with too much time and not enough talent. I don't think he's an ambassator of goodwill but rather a Christian with too much time on his hands that needs a hobby and not enough intelligence to actually justify why he humiliates people rather than educating people on the errors of their way.

But in the mean time, enjoy this clip. this guys is a dick. not the jon, not the prosti but the run up style of jon the vigilante.

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