Sunday, March 02, 2008


I try not to watch television for the obvious reasons, but it's Sunday and I have gone out too many nights in a row, all of those nights I would rather not relive and would rather rest. So, I turn on the television and try to watch The Food Network, because let's face it, watching TFN almost makes me feel motivated enough to make breakfast. In the middle of a commercial break I hear the beginning of Island In the Sun, or whatever

and first of all it's not Weezer that starts singing, this song is fucking atrocious anyway and can you believe Spike Jonze directed this video. The video is great, but seriously Weezer, remember Pinkerton? Back to my point, I don't think that you need to be broke to be a musician; you want to make money of your art, GREAT! I support that, however, the fucking BEACHES commercial is pure death. Since when are Marina Del Lay divorcees' and Weezer fans in the same target demo.

Fucking death.

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