Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Laughable wastes of money
The abstinence education is a joke and studies can prove that in reality it's doing kids a disservice. Check out this link,
Bush and his religious views are antiquated, nothing will change in terms of teenagers having sex, if anything we should fund additional resources for education of all sorts, and besides, churches and parents teach abstinence anyway.
Here is a link from an oversight committee,
Mainly, it discusses educational inaccuracies and religious lines being blurred, treating theories as facts.
Ok, so enough of the serious stuff, let's get to john stewart's funny funny vid.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I was really anticipating Indian Jewelry (the band not native american crafts) but my friends have been practically blowing The Muslims for a couple weeks now, so I decided to get there early and see what all the nerd masturbation was about.
First onstage was Imaad, who was featured in LA Record's April issue, check him out at
He was a lot of 70's creep out fun. It reminded me of some eerie 70's songs, creepy, scary but good. Let's not forget he slithered like a snake onstage. Check him out here he is.

Then The Muslims came on, and may I say... I get why my friends were geeking out. They are a rad band, great music and it's got this subtle summer vibe that can only come from San Diego boys. As Charlie Rose would say, "The Muslims are the anti-christ answer to The Cold War Kids."

Then was the third band, Geneva or whatever. They were so boring we actually thought a juke box was on low, except when rave hippies clapped we realized we were wrong and they were indeed actually live.
Indian Jewelry is full of badassness! They came on close to midnight and I felt my wrinkles creeping in as I anticipated their awesome sound explosion of feedback and awesomeness. The strobe lights were a little bit much but everything looks so much better with a strobe light. Towards the end as they kicked into high gear, the strobe lights going, the chick willin' out on keyboards, shit I felt like we were going to sacrifice virgins at the echo. It was really good to see shows that you can actually look forward to, and you don't feel like an asshole for paying once you leave.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I want a hot boy
I fucking love the hot boys even more now!! Please read and view video, what a great way to celebrate.

Monday, April 21, 2008
First one is of Ray J with all these fine latina bitches (Sexy Can I, featuring Young Berg) and the one on the bottom is of early Ray J with a milk mustache (Brandy, I Wanna Be Down Remix)
We went to Ooga Booga and that was rad but I was broke and wanted shoes I had no cash for. Gimme a discount OOGAs
Saturday, April 19, 2008
"you got angst in your pants..."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
stuck to for a while now. Ripped nasty old jeans.
This can be cute, or it can be a disaster,
that then comes along with teasing,
remorse and the picture that your friend accidentally
took when you were bending down to retrieve
the number a guy wrote on a piece a paper.
An ode to 90's and AIDS.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
washed up mag and show combo

Monday, April 14, 2008
pets, the new promise ring.

My good friend recently adopted a dog, his dog, not a couple pet (I hope). And I got to thinking, people are less and less apt to make marriage commitments, there is something peculiar and daunting about our generation and our urban landscape that both keeps us young but in hand, immature. We seem to reach maturity at later levels than our rural counterparts, and add lack of devotion and long term commitment to that. It seems like people are willing to sleep with each other, fight and move on in a weeks time. Ok, save that for another time, this is about puppies.
I've been noticing more and more of my friends get to the we're boyfriend/girlfriend stage but still remain pre-engagement. Some live together, others do not but it seems like more and more people are using cats and dogs(if more brave) as a sort of promise ring that it will all work out. I don't know how I feel about this, I mean some friends are way commitment prone and great people so congrats, but I've been on the shit end of the dog custody battle and I have seen how ugly it can get.
I'm interested to hear you thoughts, some friends are happy and have pets, while others (me being one) have lost cats and dogs in pet custody battles. I will refrain from adopting now or in the future. Maybe a love fern.
My friend Daniel, who is a couple pet adopter (or at least has been in the past) has a couple simple suggestions.
1. Make sure you adopt the pet as an individual, don't say "our dog"
2. Make sure one individual pays for vaccinations and the over all care for the pet.
3. Walk your dog, build a bond.
4. Remember your pet isn't to be used as leverage, it's not a lamp. Don't get sucked into the details of the break ups it's a very real living creature.
I'm a proponent of adoption so if you're down, go for it but do it with caution. My friend adopted his little TJ dog across the border and he is a cutie. check out the picture.

I use to be able to read at night before i went to bed. I say use to because now i am typing in the dark because my lamp was stolen. Other recently stolen items include but are not limited to: a broom, half a tube of toothpaste, trash bags, one tabby alley cat and a blanket. If anybody has any information leading to the recovery of said items please let me know. I can be reached via smoke signal because i also use to have a phone. (editors note: im not bitter just entertained)

Man whats the deal with babies? Hey babies are cool i mean they crap and puke up cottage cheese and they smell like babies. But for the most part I have no problem with them and in fact I like kids. Ok back to my original rant, ummm oh yeah!. Babies have a way intensifying a situation. Like today for instance im walking in my alley to get chinese food and its all hot and shit and slightly miserable when a baby starts to cry. Man I suddenly felt like i was walking in Bosnia. God baby im hot too and I totally want to piss on the alley wall cause im lazy but i hold it in. All im saying is babies need a little more self control. At christmas its one thing cause "ohh look the baby got a gift :o)". But when your toothpaste and blanket were just stolen the last thing you want to hear as you walk to get cheap chinese food and dine alone is a baby crying.
(editors note: kids are cool, well for the most part)
Friday, April 11, 2008
They'll say anything to get "added value"
Please feel free to read on, I love that there was scientific research that went into this. Nothing makes swallowing more awkward than reporting your findings to a research scientist.
Note that it's the frequency of the swallowing that reduces your changes of breast cancers ladies.
So now when someone forcefully jams their member into your mouth, don't think of him as awkwardly aggressive, but rather, he is concerned about your health.
Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women
(AP) --Women who perform the act of fellatio and swallow semen on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a North Carolina State University study found.
Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed at North Carolina State University is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two.
In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio and swallowed the ejaculatory fluid, over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurrence of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.
"I think it removes the last shade of doubt that fellatio is actually a healthy act," said Dr. A.J. Kramer of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who was not involved in the research. "I am surprised by these findings, but am also excited that the researchers may have discovered a relatively easy way to lower the occurrence of breast cancer in women."
The University researchers stressed that, though breast cancer is relatively uncommon, any steps taken to reduce the risk would be a wise decision.
"Only with regular occurrence will your chances be reduced, so I encourage all women out there to make fellatio an important part of their daily routine," said Dr. Helena Shifteer, one of the researchers at the University. "Since the emergence of the research, I try to fellate at least once every other night to reduce my chances."
The study is reported in Friday's Journal of Medical Research.
In 1991, 43,582 women died of breast cancer, as reported by the National Cancer Institute.
Dr. Len Lictepeen, deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society, said women should not overlook or "play down" these findings.
"This will hopefully change women's practice and patterns, resulting in a severe drop in the future number of cases," Lictepeen said.
Sooner said the research shows no increase in the risk of breast cancer in those who are, for whatever reason, not able to fellate regularly.
"There's definitely fertile ground for more research. Many have stepped forward to volunteer for related research now in the planning stages," he said.
Almost every woman is, at some point, going to perform the act of fellatio, but it is the frequency at which this event occurs that makes the difference, say researchers. Also key seems to be the protein and enzyme count in the semen, but researchers are again waiting for more test data.
The reasearch consisted of two groups, 6,246 women ages 25 to 45 who had performed fellatio and swallowed on a regular basis over the past five to ten years, and 9,728 women who had not or did not swallow. The group of women who had performed and swallowed had a breast cancer rate of 1.9 percent and the group who had not had a breast cancer rate of 10.4 percent.
"The findings do suggest that there are other causes for breast cancer besides the absence of regular fellatio," Shafteer said. "It's a cause, not THE cause."
Vanilla Ice Arrested on Domestic Battery
2 hours ago
WELLINGTON, Fla. (AP) — Vanilla Ice was held without bond Friday following his arrest on a charge of simple domestic battery after an alleged argument with his wife at their South Florida home.
The 39-year-old rapper's wife called the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office on Thursday night, saying he had kicked and hit her. She later told deputies he had only pushed her, the arrest report said.
The report said Vanilla Ice denied pushing her.
It wasn't immediately known if he had an attorney. His agent, Tommy Quon, said he hadn't heard about the arrest and couldn't comment.
Vanilla Ice spent a night in jail in 2001 after being arrested following a domestic dispute.
He sold 15 million copies of the single "Ice Ice Baby" in 1990.
Add this to my asshole list for the week, also I really hope he doesn't blame this on prior abuse inflicted on him by Shug Night, referencing this is as the reason he sold signed over songs to him.
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hey dudes,
It's that time of the month again, yes that's right. Reading to radical kids! The reading will take place on April 12th at the elementary school of your choice.
Feel free to sign up, the kids will love you and it really is the most rewarding thing you'll do this weekend.
You show up around 9 and you read, play, draw and hang out with chitlins until about noon. You meet nice people, do-gooders, and babes. Wayyy better than meeting scallywags at bars let me tell you. Please don't show up smelling like booze from the night before.
oh yeah... link duh
The National Geographic Channel has amazing shows year round, but online also has great educational resources. I recently stumbled upon the human foot print game, you enter in what you consume and the game educates you on what it took to get your food from production to consumption.
It's a little frightening to think that it takes so much effort to get to our daily meals, but it does, and I'm not using it as a scare tactic, but it should be used when weighing wants versus needs.
What a Gamble
In a joint venture with Island Def Jam records, P&G will form a new hip hop
record label, TAG Records, after P&G’s TAG brand of men’s personal care.
April 10. 2008 11:44AMBy: Samantha Marshall
Island Def Jam Music Group (IDJ) and Procter & Gamble are hoping their new
joint venture will lather up some sorely needed profits for the music
industry, and boost sales of men’s deodorant.
The two announced the formation of a new hip hop record label, TAG Records,
after P&G’s TAG brand of men’s personal care. TAG will be headed by music
mogul Jermaine Dupri, also president of Island Urban Music.
While the music industry and advertisers have increasingly collaborated on
projects to help with branding efforts and underwrite the cost of record and
video production, the new label, to be based out of New York, represents a
milestone as one of the first formal ventures between a label and consumer
brand. TAG’s artists will be supported with a multi-million dollar marketing
efforts, including comprehensive television, print, radio and digital media,
and promotional events.
“This label is going to provide new artists with the chance of a lifetime,”
said Mr. Dupri, TAG’s president. “They’ll receive ten times the typical
marketing support – a first in the industry.”
In his new role, Mr. Dupri will be responsible for selecting and molding the
new hip hop talent. His first new artists will be announced next month.
Procter & Gamble’s TAG brand, meanwhile, will showcase TAG Record artists,
along with Mr. Dupri, through various advertising and marketing initiatives
throughout the rest of this year.
The new venture could lead to other collaborative deals between Procter &
Gamble and IDJ.
“This is a non-traditional approach that blends our most valuable assets:
the artist and their music, with the power of brand marketing,” said Jeff
Straughn, vice president of strategic marketing for IDJ.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I fucking love cats--The Scottish Fold.

There's only one thing that I love more than cats, and that's kittens but when you combine gene deviations, fur and overall a little handicap, well then you have me smitten.
Check out this cat with bent ears, let's agree that I am not a proponent of breeding in order to attain a mutant strain of cats--but once you get past that sticky murky area, well then, you have a litter of kittens with great fucking ears. They just meawwww "PET ME BITCH."
Check out the wiki link:
So, I stumbled across "This Day in History" and you pretty much just type in your birth date and you get a ton of really cool facts about that day. I think this information is good for someone that enjoys making very personal birthday cards, or someone that wants to know all there is to know about someone else's bday. Trivial, perhaps. But it's a great way to be vain and not sounding like a complete idiot.
Canvases of your kitsch? bad?
Veteran physicist hopes secret of universe lies underground

by Patrick BaertMon Apr 7, 11:14 AM ET
British scientist Peter Higgs, whose work is the cornerstone of modern physics, said Monday he is putting champagne on ice in the hope a new experiment confirms his theories on how the universe works.
Higgs, a veteran professor at Edinburgh University, told journalists in a rare interview that he hopes a vast experiment in the tunnels deep underground the CERN laboratory on the Franco-Swiss border could finally prove the existence of an elusive and unstable particle to which he has lent his name.
The so-called "Higgs Boson" has been dubbed the 'God Particle' because so many have searched for it but no-one has seen it, despite Higgs using scientific deductions to claim its existence as far back as 1964.
Now the white-haired scientist hopes to be vindicated in time for his 80th birthday on May 29, 2009.
"I've asked my GP to keep me alive a little longer," he joked on the sidelines of a visit to CERN.
The thousands of scientists who work there have spent years preparing for the experiment which will deploy the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) -- essentially the world's biggest atom-smasher -- in a bid to recreate the conditions of the 'Big Bang' when the universe is deemed to have been created.
The LHC will whizz protons to 99.9999 percent of the speed of light in two parallel beams in a ring-shaped tunnel 27 kilometres (16.9 miles) long and up to 175 metres (568 feet) below ground.
In top gear, the LHC will generate nearly a billion collisions per second. Above ground, a farm of 3,000 computers, one of the largest in the world, will instantly crunch this number down to about 100 collisions that are of the most interest.
If the LHC discovers the Higgs, it would fill a huge gap in the so-called Standard Model, the theory that summarises our present knowledge of particle physics. The Higgs would help explain the origin of mass and why some particles in the Standard Model have it but others, oddly, do not.
"I shall open a bottle of something," should the particle exist, the 79-year-old professor said.
"It will be champagne -- whisky takes a little more time to drink," he added.
A gamble costing six billion Swiss francs (3.9 billion euros) that has harnessed the labours of more than 2,000 physicists from nearly three dozen countries, the LHC is the biggest, most powerful high-energy particle accelerator ever built.
"I should be very, very puzzled" if the LHC does not prove the existence of the Higgs Boson, its namesake scientist said.
"On the basis of the evidence that we have, it's not far off. It will be in the data very quickly but a lot of analysis of the data has to be done before you've announced that you've seen it," Higgs said.
The team at CERN are not the only ones hunting for the Higgs Boson however. A rival team based at Fermilab in Chicago are in hot pursuit, using an ageing accelerator known as the Tevatron, which is due to be phased out in 2010.
"It's a possibility that they find it first," Higgs conceded.
"It's hard for them to find it but it could be already in their data but not in their analysis yet," he added.
The competition is fierce but not cut-throat -- the United States and Fermilab itself are enthusiastic partners in the LHC.
While Higgs hopes the LHC will reveal the secrets of the universe, others fear an apocalyptic scenario straight out of a science-fiction film -- that the experiment will, in effect, create massive black holes which could reduce Earth to a lump of hot, strange matter.
Higgs dismisses such fears as the products of over-active imaginations.
"This black hole business has become rather inflated because even theorists suggesting many black holes could be produced are not predicting large black holes which would swallow up large chunks of the universe," he said.
"I think the publicity about that got out of hand and some people have misunderstood," he added.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Real Housewives of The OC
So that's my background on that, so when people view The Real Housewives of Orange County, well now you know where they are coming from. There is something so fucking horrid about these women (I'll openly admit to secretly liking the former Playboy Bunny for her badassness). I mean, let's start with the focus of their life, MONEY. Yes, LA is very much like this too so I'll admit defeat there. Their marriages seem to be falling apart and all they do is drink, shop and tan. Depressing.
THE WORST--I really don't like Vicky and her general drowned rat look, bitch move to Scottsdale BUT JO JO JO.
JO--reasons why the three other horsemen are approaching.
My friend Casey once said, "you hate her because she's hot" NO! I hate her because she looks like a 45 year old when she is in her early 20's. I hate her because she is a retarded spoiled brat that feels entitled (her inability to give back her Mercedes after her and her boyfriend broke up).
Not only that, but she is introduced to her boyfriend's parents and she splurges on gaudy ass furniture. YOU NEVER DO THAT IN FRONT OF PARENTS!
She is boring, lame, talentless. and hence you should watch the show so you can focus your anger.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Sometimes when I am barefoot walking around my balcony I think how hard the ground must have felt on Buddha’s feet when he was walking along those hard UNPAVED roads in