My girlfriend sent me this today because she knows how much I love to hate this worthless human being and that's saying a lot seeing that even flies have a purpose. The fact that Spencer, who is like the real life Tommy from Martin (what does he do for a job, besides look like he's one Vodka tonic away from date rape?) and his girlfriend Heidi "I'm living in my own make believe land where I'm a designer (hahaha) and I can sing (hahahhahaha) and get opportunities that truly talented people have trouble getting."
Anyway, Radar Magazine though it was a good idea to give the leech a column. He must be having butt sex with someone on staff because i don't see why any self respecting publication would have anything to do with either of them (Rolling Stone, you have lost all respect).
I find it funny that people would actually ask THIS GUY for advice other than how to look like and act like a douche bag while being a hanger on boyfriend to a no talented skank. Actually, how do you do that? This is the Spency's most recent column enjoy and then throw up.
Wait, so this this mean that Heidi takes it in the bum? Cheeky bum monkey.
YO SPENCER! How long do you have to date someone before it's appropriate to bring up the possibility of anal sex?
If you're dating a guy, right away. If you're dating girl, I think you'll know pretty quick if she's into that. If they're not bringing it up, it's not something on their agenda. That's just realistic. My boxing coach Dirty Phi says, "If you stick your pinkie in there, and then another finger, and then another, and she responds happily, then it's cool."
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