Saw this on Wired.com this morning and instantly called the bank for a loan. Yes, folks the Batmobile from the Tim Burton Batman series is up for sale at a whopping $500,000. Picture yourself rolling up to your favorite watering hole or ruffling some feathers at a quasi posh Hollywood club (Hollywood and Highland doesn't count due to the fact that's in a MALL). Chicks would be all over your nuts like a case of the crabs.
Unfortunately, the 8 cylinder Chevy engine would suck up more gas than two Hummers put together, not to mention where the hell are you going to park the damn thing? I'll be damned if I let some 19 year old valet park this bad-boy.
Still, image the possibilities. Like for instance you can finally live out that super hero fetish with some real heat. People are probably more likely to give you the right of way even when its not your turn. You can outrun anything the LAPD throws at you and if somebody is tailgating you, just turn on the turbine and burn the front off of their wussy ass Scion.
With only 5 made, you will also cover the "limited" status of coolness.
By the way, the bank declined me.
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