Thursday, May 01, 2008


It was about 2000, when I met my junkie ex-boyfriend. He wasn't a junkie then yet, but he had a serious coke addiction. Of all the fucked up shit he did, the silver lining was always his great taste in books and great taste in drug movies. I was 18 or 19 and had no clue that people could even be addicted to drugs, so all of my experiences at the time were vicarious through really bad ass movies.

Matt Dillon has never been one of my faves, however, in this movie he is truly the guy I want to pick up off the street and dust off. I mean, who doesn't love a good project?

right? right.

Ok, enjoy this snippet, the coolest thing is that William S. Burroughs was in this film. William S. Burroughs was a character in his own right, writing such famous works as, Junkie, Queer and Naked Lunch. He was an integral part of the beat generation and is amazing in this film. Check out

Oh by the way, it's a Gus Van Sant film

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